Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beware- Accelerated Gun Dog Training…The Two Month Joke.

Beware- Accelerated Gun Dog Training…The Two Month Joke.

How long is my dog going to be gone. When I hear that question I know the person has never dealt with having a dog trained for gun dog before. The reputable retriever trainer in Texas has an average of 4-6 months with your pup. Anything under that and your pup will not see much while at that training facility. I know what I’m talking about. I worked many years at such a two month training kennel just south of Dallas. I must say I was always embarrassed at the lack of training that I was TOLD to put into the dogs. It was considered a waste of time for me to go into the small available area of cover to work the pups. More was put into the manicured looks of the grounds than training areas. A pup needs to have a minimum of just two months alone of obedience foundation and some kind of exposure to live birds, cover, boats decoys and simulated hunting. The two month trainer never has the time to show the pup much of any or none of this. Lets not even get into the harsh pressure that most have to endure just try to complete this program. Most of the clients know little or nothing of waterfowl hunting or what a true hunting retriever should look like in the field. The ones that do are too embarrassed to take the dog on real hunts. The pup suffers because if they had any talent to began with it is never brought out in this time frame.

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